The general rule of Internet publishing is, the more content, the better. So I’m going to try to adhere to that going forward. I mentioned this last week, but I haven’t quite been able to settle myself yet. I think after this dinner tonight, I will be able to get all the way back to business. Expect work on to begin in earnest as well.

But before I go handle business tonight, I wanted to talk to you about the recent launch of It has sent corrupt journos into a frenzy. They seemed to be really pissed off that we’ve launched such an effective site. I can’t say I blame them, to be honest with you. They’re getting exposed in a major way. The site is very well designed and looks great. That makes it even worse for SJW scribes, because more people will use a slick site (I know, I need a redesign myself lol).

Here’s some of the reaction from the hacks in the gaming press:

(Muh photos LOL)


This is just stuff I found from a cursory search of Twitter. I can only imagine what they’re saying on their privates accounts, and emails lists. You know it has to be twenty times worse. I say long live Deepfreeze, especially if it’s getting a rise like this out of those bastards. The site is working wonders.

Here’s some more reaction, before I finish up and go out to eat (Thai, for the first time, really):

I might update this post with more later tonight. I just wanted to do my part to help spread the word about You guys should do the same. Make at least one post about it on all your social media accounts, if you can. It well help spread the word about this amazing resource. I’m about to go eat Thai and say farewell, but business is just getting started around here. GamerGate is on the upswing, and I can literally feel the energy. Thank you guys for being such a loyal and dedicated audience. I’ve probably said that a lot over the last couple weeks, but it really is so meaningful to me.

I’m looking at a couple of commentaries for this evening: Kate Edwards of IGDA spouting off yesterday, an Avengers piece, and one or two other things. Check back later.