Just had a long talk with Liana K, but I’ll get to that later when I update the earlier story. I will say that it went a a lot better than I had expected it to.

But that’s not whey I’m here. I just wanted to fill you in on poor Jonathan McIntosh getting his ass kicked by his own SJW mob. You see, he took his usual shtick a bit to far and got bopped on his white ass head. Because you see, now matter how hard this motherfucker tries, he’s always gonna be white.

Here’s Zaid Jalani, a liberal pundit who comments mostly on foreign affairs, just absolutely destroying Johnny Boy.


By the way, before I go any further: Carolyn Petit is a complete fucking idiot, and it’s always hilarious to her try to spin some bullshit.


I couldn’t have said it better myself, Zaid. You simply can’t force you’re rich, white, feminist frame on everything, you dumb piece of such. One of those things you can force it onto? Video games. Fuck back off to Jakarta and leave us the fuck alone.

Zaid wasn’t don’t though. This guys doesn’t fuck around lol.


The best part about this? McIntosh admits his brand of authoritarianism SJWism isn’t liberal. It’s what I’ve been saying here on this site all along. These people don’t represent liberals, they represent idiocy and fraud.

Now take a look at the icing on the cake:

Hahaha, you’re always gonna be whitey, McIntosh. Get over it. And by the way, District 9 is awesome, you smug piece of shit.