A really creepy interview came out yesterday. It was published by our old friends at The Guardian. Historically, they’ve been one of the most hostile outlets when it comes to covering GamerGate. It started right at the beginning of their coverage, and was influenced by the Liquored Up Loser Leigh Alexander. You can read about it here on the site. It’s the second biggest story we’ve ever had, and was reported first by yours truly. So check that out if you haven’t read it. While you consider that, I’ll move right along into this morning’s story. 

The person who conducted the aforementioned interview, Jessica Valenti, is one of the most disgusting “professional feminists” we have today.  Don’t believe me? Check the record:

Jessica Valenti Once Again Proves She’s Completely Insane

Amy Schumer Criticized by Concern Troll Jessica Valenti Over Racy Star Wars Cover

Professional Feminist Nutter Jessica Valenti Sad Cause Men Stopped Catcalling Her

She was also one of the top backers of the UVA Rape Hoax. Basically, she’s a complete piece of shit. I guess that it’s appropriate then for her to be interviewing another total waste of space in Anita Sarkeesian. Just what did the two fraudsters talk about? Gems like this:

Sarkeesian, who wears red glasses that match her dye-tipped hair, is extraordinarily friendly and upbeat, considering the level of vitriol directed at her. “It has less to do with the actual content of the work than with ‘How dare a woman say anything about our toys’ – especially a feminist,” she tells me.

Oh God…this is going to be epically bad, isn’t it?

Around the time she was discovering feminism, as a student in southern California, Sarkeesian became a campus activist. “I read a lot of bell hooks,” she says. “And I was learning about systems of privilege and oppression – and feminism was just one piece of that. You learn about white supremacy, and heteronormativity, and I found that to be really liberating. I realised: now I know how the world works, and now I understand how to change it. And it’s really hard.”…

Sarkeesian started Feminist Frequency in 2009, while at graduate school, studying social and political thought. She found academia somewhat alienating: “The texts are impossible to read if you’re not trained, and I wondered why we would lock away this information for just a privileged group of people.” The feminist theory she read seemed more approachable: “bell hooks used media in the classroom to engage with her students; that idea of pop culture being a common language really resonated with me.”

Yes. Yes, it is. Think of the next generation of Anita’s coming up reading this trash. She talks about turning to feminism because the political texts were too hard to understand. Well, I guess if you’re a fucking idiot, they would be hard to understand. Or, if you didn’t want to put the work in, that might be a problem as well. I have a political science degree, and she’s right. Some of that shit is difficult to read. But I never thought about abandoning my field of study just so I could pick up something easier. That’s what quitters do. There’s also a possibility that she saw the money that could be made if she became a professional victim. In fact, I would almost almost guarantee that played a role in her decision-making.

Anyway, let’s get back to the hot garbage:

It got even harder once GamerGate happened. For the uninitiated, GamerGate is a Twitter hashtag, which became an online movement that purported to be about journalistic ethics, but which actually focuses on attacking and harassing women such as Sarkeesian.

She is frustrated by the way GamerGate has been covered in the media. “All the stories kept decentring the fact that it was domestic violence,” she says. Indeed, the movement was born when a 25-year-old software developer named Eron Gjoni posted a 10,000-word blog about his ex-girlfriend, video game designer Zoe Quinn. In the blog, he recounted the minutiae of their relationship and outlined her supposed wrongdoings and infidelities. Quinn has said, “It is domestic abuse that went viral, and it was designed to go viral.” (Gjoni linked to the blogpost in forums such as 4chan, well known for vicious online harassment.)

Equating a blog post with domestic violence is one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen in awhile. I say that a lot, but then again, I see a lot of disgusting things around here. What I want you to do, though, is think about all the real victims of domestic violence. It’s no joking matter. I don’t believe people should be branded for life because of it, but fuck. It shouldn’t be equated with a blog post that exposed a super-slut. In fact, by Zoe Quinn’s own definition (cheating on someone, then having sex with them without telling), she’s a rapist. It’s funny how that doesn’t get brought up too often. I hope Eron Gjoni makes a call to his legal team on Monday morning. This accusation is outrageous in the extreme.

Here’s the last parts I’m gonna do, and they’re all about GamerGate:

The truth, Sarkeesian says, is that GamerGate existed for years before it had a name: the same core players, the same harassment, the same abuse. The hashtag just put a name on this “loosely organised mob” that attacked women in gaming, she tells me.

Sarkeesian is also fond of calling GamerGate a “sexist temper tantrum”, because “it does have that feeling of the kid screaming and you don’t know why”…

Could it possibly be because of the offensive and possibly criminal behavior of you and many of your allies? Nah, that couldn’t be it.

“That’s the reason I don’t like the words ‘troll’ and ‘bully’ – it feels too childish. This is harassment and abuse,” she says. But still, she says, GamerGate is a temper tantrum: “It’s just a scary, violent, abusive, temper tantrum. It’s an attack and an assault on women in the gaming industry. Its purpose is to silence women, and if they can’t, they attempt to discredit them.

Actually, it’s about exposing frauds like yourself, while trying to correct the course of the gaming industry. But please continue, Anita:

“These dudes fling shit. They’re throwing things out there and trying to get something to stick. This worked,” she says of the Quinn incident. “It stuck because it sounds good – there are actual issues with the way the games press works. So that idea resonated with a lot of people. And it swelled their ranks.”…

“Where was the gaming industry in all this?” she asks. “GamerGate was a silver platter for them to say they don’t condone the harassment of women and they didn’t do it. GamerGate is the monster that the industry created.”

You know where they were? Many industry vets supported us behind the scenes, and still do. A lot of them have made themselves known to the public over the last six months. The rest? I assume they know that it’s bad business to insult your most die-hard customers. If gaming journalism had followed that same path, we wouldn’t be here right now.

I know 1%’ers like Anita and Jonathan McIntosh are used to their lessers doing what they’re told. That’s not what gamers are all about, though. We’ve been fighting scumbags for decades. Powerful pols have tried to shut our shit down many times. Because of all this experience, hucksters like the two jabronis behind Feminist Frequency don’t scare us in the slightest. We know they’ll continue to be propped up by radial feminist ideologues like Jessica Valenti. That’s fine. We’re still gonna win, because the gamer “base” rejects their ideas and victim-bux driven operation. Nothing they say or do in the mainstream press will ever affect that, either.

(full interview)