I promised myself I was going to get some Witcher 3 time in, and hit the gym tonight. So, I have to get a few things written if I want to do all of that. I’m gonna lead-off with the report out yesterday concerning Rolling Stone magazine, in case some of you missed it. It turns out flogging a false rape for months, even after it was obvious that it was bogus, is bad for business. Who would have thought?

I talked about this a little bit on Twitter yesterday, but this isn’t Twitter, now is it? It was so funny, that I figured I better write up a quick report on it. Here’s an excerpt from The Hollywood Reporter, detailing the cuts:

Wenner Media has laid off more than a dozen staffers on Wednesday across Rolling Stone, Us Weekly and Men’s Journal magazines.

The cuts include multiple senior level edit staffers, including David Fricke, senior writer at Rolling Stone, Sasha Morrison, fashion director at Us Weekly, Albert Lee, special projects at Us Weekly and Kevin O’Leary, senior writer at Us Weekly.

Fricke, however, is set to continue to contribute to the magazine in a freelance capacity. He will be a contract writer no longer based at the office, a source told The Hollywood Reporter.

A couple of people on Twitter asked me if Sabrina Erdely, the journo who was behind the bogus report in the first place, was among those fired. Surely she would be, most reasonable people thought. But, that’s not the case, of course. It’s likely for legal reasons, since if she was let-go, then the opposing attorneys would point to that as a tacit admission by the Rolling Stone management. So, I would expect here to stay until all these trials wrap up…which could be awhile. If they’re smart, they’ll at least stop her from writing anything else besides a concert report.

I’ll be back in a little bit with more. This entire week has been chock-full of news, so I’ll definitely have something to write about.