You read about Solar Minimum on the news, but will it affect the world?

A Great Start to 2020

A couple of months ago, the world was introduced to the highly infectious coronavirus. It is a disease that led to lockdowns, overwhelming deaths, joblessness, and hunger.

In the wake of the pandemic, we have suffered a worldwide economic crisis that is frequently compared to The Great Depression. Unemployment is at a record high. Rent and mortgage payments are becoming difficult to make. United States citizens have to wait in long lines just to obtain food for their families. It feels a little like communist Russia.

In May, we were warned about “murder hornets”. These are giant hornets that might kill off our bee population. Additionally, they deliver an excruciatingly painful and deadly sting to humans. These “wasps on meth” have been spotted in the United States already.

The Calamities Continue

So what’s next on the apocalyptic agenda for planet Earth? How about a “sunshine recession”? That is to say, lowered solar activity that could lead to freezing temperatures, famine, earthquakes, and massive volcanic eruptions. Sunshine recessions happens cyclically, about every 11 or so years.

Basically this means sun will be on lockdown, and not because it has a democratic governor.

The Sun Takes a Break

How does a sunshine recession like this happen? No, there wasn’t a sudden dramatic decline of economic activity at the center of our solar system.

A sunshine recession is what’s known as a period of “solar minimum”. This means solar activity has been reduced and sunspots have disappeared. A weakened magnetic field will also eject extra cosmic rays into the solar system. Cosmic rays, which can be dangerous to astronauts and travelers of the polar route.

NASA predicted this astronomical change in their 2017 article, “Solar Minimum is Coming”. They explain the nature of sunspots and how they are strongly magnetized. When sunspots subside, coronal holes in the sun are created. These coronal holes can last for over six months. This could result in a negative impact on Earth’s magnetosphere and our upper atmosphere. Things may cool down dramatically and cosmic rays may become more harmful.

Previous Occurrences

A solar minimum has happened previously in recorded history. In the 1600s, decreases in solar activity caused a “little ice age”. Near the end of the 1700s, the Dalton Minimum caused crops to die and volcanos to erupt powerfully. The Dalton Minimum lasted nearly 20 years.

This time around, some experts are predicting solar minimum effects to be even more extreme. That’s due to the historically large reduction in sunspot counts. Our generation’s sunshine recession could last longer than the Dalton Minimum and possibly devastate the food production.

Are we Doomed?

Will the sunshine recession be the final boss of 2020? Possibly not, due to greenhouse gasses offsetting the cooler temps with global warming. (Sorry Greta, but the world needs to stay warm). The science for measuring solar activity isn’t entirely predictable either, so the results could go either way.

Who’s Responsible?

At this time, the left wing media is working to determine exactly why the Sunshine Recession is Donald Trump’s fault, and why he must be impeached for solar collusion.