ELLEN PAO LOSES AGAIN: Former Reddit Chief Submits to Kleiner, Ends Appeal

I got a whole night’s worth of sleep, and my friend is…

REDDIT REVIEW: Pao’s PR, Anita & FullMac Whine About New Rules, & a Look Ahead

I promised to do a Reddit article, and it kept getting pushed…

CHAIRMAN NOW: New Reddit Boss Apparently Even Worse Than Pao

OK, lots of news on the Reddit front, some of it you…

CHU BOMBS REDDITORS: Calls Them Terrorists in Unhinged Daily Beast Screed

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard a lot from our old buddy…


More to come, but here’s the latest: just as I predicted in…

Pao Continues to Grovel as Petetion Asking Her to Resign Soars Past 200K Signatures

OK, I have a few updates to get to this evening. The…

Incompetent Chairman Pao Goes on an Apology Tour

I’m back to do a Reddit rundown before moving on to a…

Reddit Goes Up In Flames, But Not Many Answers Abound (AFTERNOON UPDATE)

If just been sitting here chilling all evening, trying to get some…

An Interview With the Mods of the Banned NeoF** Subreddit

As longtime readers of the site know, I’ve been tough on NeoGAF…

#RedditRevolt Update

OK, before I go see Jurassic World, I have an update to…

Reddit’s Chairman Pao Strikes: Five Subreddits Removed for “Harassment” (UPDATE)

Man, someone tell me not to go to sleep like that again.…

Ellen Pao Deserves Scorn, Not Thanks

Hey guys, sorry that I’ve been away longer than I would have…