One Year Later, Anti-Gamers Still Relying on Lies to Spread Their Hate

What’s up people? I have a few things to get up here…

SJWs Target Legendary Badass Ronda Rousey

If you know me, you know I’m a pretty big Ronda Rousey…

Sonic the Hedgehog Unleashes his Trademark Attitude on SJW Values

GUEST EDITORIAL by @bahmofairfield Over two decades ago now, Sega’s (then) newly-created mascot…

PROBLEMS PILE UP: Rolling Stone Sued By the Fraternity Brothers They Libeled, Plus Editor Fired

OK, I’ve been sitting here tweeting all morning with some people who…

ICYMI: SJW Theorizes That Medieval Games Legitimize White Supremacy

I’m not sure if you guys saw this column from The National…

The Method to the SJW’s Madness

GUEST EDITORIAL By Richard C. Wolfman I’m going to start by stating…

Legendary Harasser & Drug Addict Randi Harper to Take OSCON Stage Today

I was gonna write about this story last night, but I took…

Sargon Talks Social Justice Harassment

Check out Sargon’s new video from earlier today, where he outs some…

DOUBLE STANDARD DAY 2: Twitter Seemingly Implements New Policy, Allows Zoey Tur to Dox

Yesterday, I brought you a story about Zoey Tur. If you’ll recall,…

Randi Harper Left Laying After 3rd Milo Piece, PLUS EXCLUSIVE FOLLOW-UP (Child Giveaway + More)

Man, I was away from my desk when the last installment of…

Dan The Man Vavra Starts Dropping Bombs in New Column

I’m about to go get some dinner, but I wanted to update…

POISONED BY PATRIARCHY: “I’m a Feminist, But I Like When He Comes on My Face”

Man, I stumbled across some more hilarity earlier today, and after wasting…

SJW Double Standard: What if I Told Someone I’d Like To Curb Stomp Them?

You may have seen the story from Breitbart yesterday where editor-at-large Ben…

What the Hell is Going on in Canada? Twitter Dissent Could Land Man In Prison

I’ve been meaning to comment on this story all week long. So…

Vlambeer’s Smug Rami Ismail, The Anti-Iwata (VIDEO UPDATE)

I There’s about 5 things I want to cover, and I will…