Deranged Wikipedian Tries to Tie GamerGate in With Charleston Shooter

I’m about to go hit up this 24-hour Mexican joint that I…

Anti-Free Speech Ideologue Gets Voat Servers Closed, Site’s Future in Air

What’s up people? I’m back for another day of muckraking, blogging, writing…whatever…

Charleston Shooting Inspires Wacko Gaming SJWs to Show Their Idiocy Once Again

OK, first off, let me give you a little background, for those…

Layoffs Hit Rolling Stone After False Rape Pimp Job

I promised myself I was going to get some Witcher 3 time…

US Feminists Too Busy With Nonsense To Notice Real Plights of Women

I know the rad fems are busy these days. There’s a lot…

The New Normal: Rad Fems Attack Local Montreal Restaurant

Another lazy day, but at least I got the Leigh Alexander piece…

Modern Feminism: “Is it Feminist to Grow Armpit Hair?”

I’m about to be off the site for a few hours while…

Reddit’s Chairman Pao Strikes: Five Subreddits Removed for “Harassment” (UPDATE)

Man, someone tell me not to go to sleep like that again.…

Reader Sketch on Feminist Cooking & Proof Karma Exists

Here’s a short hit before I finish the update about what the…

Amazon Weirdos Try to Frame Anne Rice Using My Name

There was more than one weird happening yesterday. It’s not the biggest…

A MOTHER’S LOVE: Mattress Girl’s Mom Co-Signs Vid

It’s been a lazy Sunday here at the World Misogyny Headquarters. Thank…

SJWs Try to Inflict Their Sick Ideology Onto Children’s Programming

EDITOR’S NOTE: Candy Jam is a cool person I’ve met who is…

Mad Max is About Working Together, Not Rad Fem Ideology (UPDATE: Milo Weighs In)

UPDATE: Milo has come in with his take on the film… GUEST…

Mattress Girl Sulkowicz Porno News Update (UPDATE: Comedy Mashups)

This is the biggest day we’ve had on the site pretty much…

Mattress Girl Emma Sulkowicz Puts Out a Rape Porno (Yes, It’s Real)

UPDATE POST is HERE (includes new video links…old one is down) I’m still…